Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Things That Leave Me Outraged

Here is my Top Ten List for things that leave me feeling outraged.

10. Parents that don't make their kids buckle up
9. Bad drivers
8. Car insurance
7. Service people who don't smile.
6. Political commercials
5. Fox News
4. People who don't read the newspaper
3. Rush Limbaugh and Bill O'Reilly AND Sean Hannity
2. People who didn't watch the debates because they thought the debates were "propaganda"
1. People who don't vote but still think their opinions should have any significance


At 7:57 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

11. should have been liberal voters who want to vote for Kerry instead of Nader. haha. Good Post Alli

At 12:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

all though the debates were nothing but propagnda platforms for both canditates. they were and are set to allow the uninformed public the opportunity to make general comparrisons. to say that they were not is a bit nieve. the softball question that they were tossed were not hit out of the park. the questions that were a bit harder were avoided all together. the only honest opportunity of debate was the town hall format. even some of those questions were easy one. the questioning public had there questions censured and were threatend with being removed if there questions strayed from an approved screening.
i aready know that the situation in iraq is based of misleading in formation. the reality is that we are there what are we going to due to to make it better? if we pull out then all we had done is create another place where a mad man like Bin ladden has an opportunity to speiw the hate and create an incubater of terrorism. The view from their side of the fence is a holy war which is not the approch that that the U.S has not taken we have tried to do it onthe cheap. if kerry is elected will he commtit more troops and more money to set the progress on tne right track. if he does, where will get the money (higher taxes, cut in domestic spending.) the former is the hard question trying to get the UN to commit more troops wont happen unless we secure the situatuion with US troops. which means more american deaths. we are not fighting a political agenda we are fighting a religious fanaticsm. and we know anything about religion is that people are not going to compromise.
Bush has gotten US into quite the quagmire unless he is willling to admit that he made a mistake and restructure iraq and the security there it will get worse. the American public will force us out of iraq. the reality is we are there, now what do we do? thanks GMEN.


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