Saturday, October 16, 2004

Ode to Chris Matthews

Maybe you noticed that I have a link to the Hardball site on my blog. That's because I love Chris Matthews. I even like the parody of him that they do on SNL. I like Matthews because I get the feeling that he's probably a liberal and because he's very good at putting people in their place. If you need an example of this I would suggest looking up the interview he did a few months ago with one Michelle Malkin, a mininon of the FOX News Network. That Michelle is a real piece of work, if you ever need a good laugh, look up her blog. I'm fairly sure that she and Ann Coulter went to the same girls school together. And Lynne Cheney was their room mother. But I digress...
So, if you have some spare time and access to MSNBC you should try to catch Hardball, it's usually on twice a day. On Fridays Chris devotes the show to Election 2004, and his panelist always offer a well rounded view of both campaigns.
In conclusion, watch Hardball and always know... Chris rules!


At 10:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I CALL HIM CHRISTOPHER - MY LETTERS TO CHRIS MATTHEWS OF HARDBALL - Dear Alli - Think you will enjoy this extract from the above book. Please click on the link below for lots of smiles and laughter.


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