Friday, October 22, 2004

Tucker Carlson Needs a New Look

I'm sure by now everyone in America knows about Jon and Tucker's little tiff on Crossfire last week. I just want to take a moment to thank Jon Stewart for saying the things he said on television. Our media has a responsibility to the public to accurately report what's going on in the world today. Too much time is spent on wether or not John Edwards should have mentioned Dick Cheney's gay daughter in the debate, and not enough time is spent on real issues. How many average Americans understand what is going on in the Sudan, or about the AIDS crisis in Africa and China? How many Americans even grasp how these issues will effect our own country in the future? Too many Americans can recite Bill O'Leilly's (thanks Franken) "talking points" and too few can name our Supreme Court Justices. Where is our media to educate us, lead us, direct us and tell us the truth? They are too busy infuriating us and driving us to partisan rage. Tune them out America, watch C-SPAN, read the PAPER!!!!!!!!! USE YOUR OWN BRAIN! FIGHT BACK! And thank Jon Stewart, he's going to be on 60 minutes this Sunday, you might need to hear what he has to say.


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