Friday, June 02, 2006

It's Been A Long While

Once upon a time I started up this blog of mine to share my thoughts and perspectives with the world. I was inspired by my brother, Mark, and his own blogging attempts. And as much as I liked the idea of blogging it was difficult to make time to put my thoughts on page. Somewhere along the way I added to my family, and with the sleepless nights, and energy required to raise two small children, I put blogging aside completely.
My children are a year older now. My life once again has a feeling of routine. There are happenings in our lives today that I feel passionate about. So though it has been a long while, I hope to start sharing my thoughts with others out there again.
I'll leave you with a quick blurb, things that have been running through my mind today. I've been reading up on Haditha and the accusations that our military is facing. According to Drudge, the BBC has evidence of another slaying of eleven by our troops, and I read on Yahoo last night, that Marines in San Diego were charged with, amongst other things, murder and kidnapping of an Iraqi civilian in April. Our countrymen easily dismissed the horrors of Abu Graib and tried to justify what happened there as 21st century intelligence gathering, instead of torture. Our nation continues to ignore the injustices of Guantanamo Bay. But I am afraid we have just hit the beginning with Haditha. And I hope not to hear any American try to excuse the murder of civilians, women, children, babies as "war collateral", or " not any worse than what Saddam did to the Kurds." Both of which I saw on Malkins blog. When we begin to compare our actions to those of an evil tyrant, what have we in fact become?


At 10:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

welcome back. There definitely is alot to think about right now with Haditha and Guantanamo. It only gets worse when you add in Indonesia and the Sudan, you may not be able to sleep still.


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