The WMD Search is Finally Over!
I read in the news today that the search for WMDs in Iraq has been terminated "officially" today. Of course, David Kay could have told you that last year in January. I think most Americans shouldn't be surprised by the news that no major weapon stockpiles were found of any kind. As a person who has utmost respect for our armed forces, I don't want to be misunderstood. I hope that Americans are outraged that the President played so carelessly with human life for naught! Over 1100 American soldiers dead and thousands more wounded and maimed. Over 100,000 Iraqi civilians dead, women and children who had nothing to do with terrorism or any attack on our country ever. And people like Ann Coulter still feel justified spreading hate and fear over Muslim countries. I think King George should put on his crusade outfit and stop pretending that we invaded Iraq because they were a threat to our safety. Attacking innocent people is a threat to our country, and when our country engages in actions that make us more hated and feared in the world, that is a threat to our country, and how dare our President take such actions! I hope that you take the time to write a letter to him, and let him know that you are outraged, and you think he acted negligently if not criminally.
By the way, at there is a great post about Ann Coulter. You should read it.
well thanks for the plug. I wish I was able to head to D.C. so I could be a part of the protest that day. How much fun would that be. There will be many Americans who feel the same way you do about the war letting the President know it on the 20th. You should check out this letter from "Not in Our Name" copy and paste it to your address bar to read the statement.
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