Sunday, January 16, 2005

I Wish I Lived in A Bubble Too!

I was reading some of the content from an interview President Bush gave on AirForce one last week. Wow! Talk about interesting stuff. The President is surely feeling some confidence right now, coming up on his second inauguration. I'm sure he feels victorious and relieved. He must be to be saying the things he says, either that or he lives in a bubble with Dick Cheney and Condi Rice. First of all, he believes that Americans approve of his Iraq policy. I guess when he said he doesn't read the news, he wasn't lying (that in itself is a first). Otherwise he would know that most opinion polls show that Americans disagree with his Iraq policies and don't know think we should have gone there, knowing what we now know. How he could say this just days after the search for WMD was called off, I can't fathom.
He also said he won't pursue a constitutional amendment banning gay marriage. Oh, won't Ralph Reid be ticked off? All of those christian conservatives who like to deny people basic rights that went out to vote for the holiest candidate must be severely disappointed. Poor Ann Coulter, I'm sure she had to pop a whole bottle of pills after reading that one, assuming that she reads the news. I guess the Pres. and Karl Rove were just manipulating all those good christian coalition people to win the election, and it looks like it worked.
I know conservatives are still gleeful about winning the election. I know there is still a lot of talk about red states all over the map. I know the President won. But I also know that three percent isn't a slam dunk. I know that when you lie to people, when you send their kids to die in war and can't come up with a reason why, when you use their religion against them, you're setting yourself up for a backlash. And the republican party had better be afraid that this President is going to talk too much, and lose them the next few elections.


At 1:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not confident here that the bastard "won".

At 1:09 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

I wish I lived in a bubble that Walmart couldn't reach. had to vent, thanks.

At 7:46 AM, Blogger Tonto said...

You know I hear that among my liberal friends [I consider myself in the middle] that there is going to be this big backlash...but when? and by Who? Don't you feel like the Democrats have lost their way?

And I have a hard time listening to them because they are just whining rather than talking about what it is they want to do.

I am sorry but the Democrats totally misread this election 100% and that must be why you are still talking about it...I have to admit I was kind of stunned by the outcome too.

Also, Carter won by a lot less than Bush and several other presidents have as that is no criteria for popularity or unpopularity. Look at Gore...that was his election to lose [meaning his own fault] and he did.

So my question to you because you know the demo's well...what are they going to do about their problems, i.e. identity crisis because I am not seeing the backlash? I think the Republicans are just getting more popular.

At 8:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Georgina, unless you are rich and white, you will be part of the backlash sooner or later.

At 6:34 PM, Blogger Koontz fam said...

I hope that there is a backlash, because that may mean American people are finally paying more attention to policy than soundbites and are holding leaders accountable.


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