Thank you Mr. Kerry
It's a sad day for me and the rest of my democratic compatriots. And it's a sad day for John Kerry. I watched the election results come in with wariness and hope last night, and awoke this morning to indecision. When the Senator conceded at about 8:00 our time, I was sad to hear the news. I admire and respect John Kerry and wish him luck in the future. In the meantime, I plan on spending the next four years paying careful attention to what our President is up to in Washington. I will write letters to his office and to my congressmen and senators everytime I think they take a wrong step. I will continue to call for the end of the war in Iraq, and for aid for the Sudan. We have a responsibility that is greater than ever to make our country what it should be and I hope that every citizen who believes in a better America takes action daily. This was an election and not the end of the world. At the end of the day, as individuals little has changed. Yet, there is still a need for change and individually we can make things happen.
Thank you Mr. Kerry for the hope you gave us, I'm glad you're still a Senator and that your voice will still be heard in American politics.
Thinking of the Senate I wonder who they'll name as Minority leader. Kerry could be up for the job, but I'm guessing it might be Joe Biden. Good luck in the next few years.
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