The Aftermath and Agony
It only took a few days for democrats to start pointing the finger. You all know what I'm talking about. John Kerry didn't run an effective campaign, Democrats hate the church, or the church hates us, blah blah blah....
Look, this is a problem with the democratic party. Instead of gathering up what we've learned from this election (and the last election) we just blame each other and refuse to make progress. We need to unify and get organized. Young people didn't vote in this election, and we know that if they had, they would have voted overwhelmingly democratic. We need a strong person in charge of the DNC, someone who is energetic, who will use modern methods to mobilize people, and who people respect and admire. Howard Dean has let it be known that he wants the job, but I don't know if he's the person to put in charge. As a governor, his agenda wasn't the most progressive when it came to social aid and the financial sector. Yet, he's staunchly anti-war and well known by people. Not to mention how he effectively used blogs and the web to launch his own campaign for presidency. I'm not sure who the right person for DNC chair is, maybe we should go with the man who we trust in completely for everything else, you know, Bill Clinton.
Well, that's what I've been thinking about today. And probably what I'll be thinking about tomorrow.
I really doubt that Clinton would take this job of head of DNC. It seems to be a ton of work and less fun than I imagine he likes to have. Almost anyone would be better than the new chair of the RNC Mark Mellman.
Kerry is getting blamed for not reaching out to hispanic voters, for not choosing a mid-west running mate, for not responding quickly enough to sleazy accusations from liars.
Hey, it's already time to move on and start working to get our democracy back. We need to elect some congressmen. Hey, we need to elect some mayors and supervisors and school board members.
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