Saturday, October 30, 2004

The Buying of the Presidency

I have been busy reading lately, a little book with the same title as my post here. Insightful to say the least. This book covered the corporate and private sponsorship of the President and his democratic challengers for this election. If you have time, and regardless of the outcome on Tuesday, democrats and republicans alike should read this eye opening book for the Center for Ethics and Integrity. Most suprising to me was the fact that our President's top financiers are none other than the pharmaceutical companies that are holding our elderly and poor hostage in enfermity in exchange for big government kickbacks and profits that go above and beyond. Just what they give to the presidential campaign could provide millions of people with the medication they desperately need to live and be healthy. All of you with elderly parents struggling to get by, start writing letters to your senators and assemblymen, this nonsense must end!
Curious about the privatization of Social Security? I'm not anymore. Not after seeing the many investment companies who have donated generously to W over they years. This isn't some progressive plan the pres. has people, it's called payback to Wall Street. And if you want to be able to retire before you die in this lifetime, you need to start fighting this now! We already have a privatized retirement option in America, it's called a 401K. Well, what else can I say? Read the book, find out where John Kerry and John Edwards got their money too.
Vote on Tuesday!

Saturday, October 23, 2004

I Voted, I'm Superior

That's right America, I voted! I got my absentee ballot yesterday and wasted no time in filling in all the circles I could find. And even though my vote is private, I'm not afraid to proclaim that I voted for Kerry/Edwards. If you are a registered voter I am again urging you to plan ahead, make time to vote on election day. It's only a few days away, and if you're not familiar with the issues, you still have time to educate yourself. This is a great opportunity we have, take advantage. I have a hope for our country that I haven't felt in a long while, and I think that something wonderful is in our grasps. So vote, vote, vote!

Friday, October 22, 2004

Tucker Carlson Needs a New Look

I'm sure by now everyone in America knows about Jon and Tucker's little tiff on Crossfire last week. I just want to take a moment to thank Jon Stewart for saying the things he said on television. Our media has a responsibility to the public to accurately report what's going on in the world today. Too much time is spent on wether or not John Edwards should have mentioned Dick Cheney's gay daughter in the debate, and not enough time is spent on real issues. How many average Americans understand what is going on in the Sudan, or about the AIDS crisis in Africa and China? How many Americans even grasp how these issues will effect our own country in the future? Too many Americans can recite Bill O'Leilly's (thanks Franken) "talking points" and too few can name our Supreme Court Justices. Where is our media to educate us, lead us, direct us and tell us the truth? They are too busy infuriating us and driving us to partisan rage. Tune them out America, watch C-SPAN, read the PAPER!!!!!!!!! USE YOUR OWN BRAIN! FIGHT BACK! And thank Jon Stewart, he's going to be on 60 minutes this Sunday, you might need to hear what he has to say.

Sunday, October 17, 2004

Corporate Sponsored America

It's no secret that the United States of America is a country driven by greed and ambition. Personally, I don't think that ambition in itself is evil, but I do believe that ambition at the cost of others well-being is dangerous and frightening.
Specically, I'm talking about corporate and capitalist America. Our businesses have alienated the working class, stripped us of our abilities to raise our familes and grow old gracefully and lowered the standard of living nationwide. All in the name of the bottom dollar.
Corporate America is slowly buying everything that we love. Go to the movies? Now you get to watch commercials and previews, not to mention the thousands of carefully planned product placements throughout the film. Like sports? So does corporate America! You know, that big RadioShack logo you see behind home plate of every baseball game. Interested in politics? These companies will stop at nothing to make sure there candidate gets elected. Broadcasting moguls are putting their weight into the political process along with every rich money maker in the nation. We are in need of serious reform when national policy can be bought by the highest bidder.
Our president has welcomed these monies with fervor. And if you want to start to make a change in our nation, now is the time. Check out for a list of his corporate sponsors. Right letters and stop giving them your money until they stop giving him theirs. Change begins with us! Every small effort counts (didn't you watch LOTR?)

Saturday, October 16, 2004

Ode to Chris Matthews

Maybe you noticed that I have a link to the Hardball site on my blog. That's because I love Chris Matthews. I even like the parody of him that they do on SNL. I like Matthews because I get the feeling that he's probably a liberal and because he's very good at putting people in their place. If you need an example of this I would suggest looking up the interview he did a few months ago with one Michelle Malkin, a mininon of the FOX News Network. That Michelle is a real piece of work, if you ever need a good laugh, look up her blog. I'm fairly sure that she and Ann Coulter went to the same girls school together. And Lynne Cheney was their room mother. But I digress...
So, if you have some spare time and access to MSNBC you should try to catch Hardball, it's usually on twice a day. On Fridays Chris devotes the show to Election 2004, and his panelist always offer a well rounded view of both campaigns.
In conclusion, watch Hardball and always know... Chris rules!

Thursday, October 14, 2004

Election Day

Three more weeks people! I hope you're making plans so that you won't miss your opportunity to vote. You know, practice that fundamental right our forefathers battled for so long ago. In some states, you can still register to vote if you haven't already. And in California, you still have a few days to get your absentee ballot request in. As Americans I believe it is our moral responsibility to get out and let our voices be heard! Even if you are dismayed with the electoral college and feel that your vote for president may not be effective, vote for your representatives and vote on the propositions. And if you don't vote, then keep your mouth shut, because not only do I not want to hear you, I don't care about anything you have to say. So, on November 2nd, be American, GO VOTE!
And Vote for Kerry!

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

The Final Debate

Tonight we will witness history for sure. George W. and John Kerry facing off in Tempe, each with their own version of how our country has fared these last four years. Personally, I love the debates. I've watched both the presidential and the vice-presidential match-ups over the previous weeks, and have cheered and scoffed throughout both. If you don't know by now, I'm a Kerry fan, and am hoping whole heartedly that he wins this election. Yet, I truly believe that no matter what side of the political compass you inhabit, there is much to be learned by watching your candidate go "mano y mano" with his opponent. I was truly impressed by how calm and composed Kerry kept himself in comparision with the President's smirks and temper. Tonight, I look forward to (as Kerry would put it) "more of the same." I hope you're there too.

Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Things That Leave Me Outraged

Here is my Top Ten List for things that leave me feeling outraged.

10. Parents that don't make their kids buckle up
9. Bad drivers
8. Car insurance
7. Service people who don't smile.
6. Political commercials
5. Fox News
4. People who don't read the newspaper
3. Rush Limbaugh and Bill O'Reilly AND Sean Hannity
2. People who didn't watch the debates because they thought the debates were "propaganda"
1. People who don't vote but still think their opinions should have any significance

Sunday, October 10, 2004

In The Beginning

Just a note to say Welcome to my blog. I'll have lots more to say in the future.